GenAI in Physical Security with SAM, the AI Security Adviser



Pronect at the forefront of physical security management, combining AI and modern technology to offer comprehensive security solutions. They have partnered with Faktion, an AI product studio, to integrate advanced GenAI applications into their platform, aiming to enhance security measures, streamline operations, and foster data innovation.


The Project Scope

Pronect’s mission is to optimize physical security through digital tools and comprehensive oversight. This project focuses on several core areas:


Security agent

    • Monitors changes in regulations, policies and external requirements related to physical security.

    • Assists the security team in analysing and identifying gaps in security controls.

    • Engages users by enabling them to interact with their data and providing them concise, easy-to-understand reports.

    • Suggests improvements based on integrated data analysis.


Knowledge integrator

    • Merges various data sources and documents for a unified view of security risk and control.

    • Combines external content, such as security standards (e.g., TAPA, ISPS, ISO) and internal policies and procedures, with dynamic security control data from the Pronect client application.


A new dimension of UX

    • Chatbot experience, fully integrated into the Pronect application. Features include the selection of specific data sources and source attribution for every recommendation, ensuring relevance and transparency, as well as functional support for productivity.

    • Delivers reliable insights, validated by human experts.


Technological Innovation

The success of this solution hinges on integrating vast amounts of data and using advanced technological infrastructure. Key innovations include:

    • Advanced GenAI and LLMops Research: Using the latest advancements in generative AI & LLMOps to enhance the GenAI solution’s performance

    • Reusable Tools for Building Copilots: Faktion’s tools for developing AI copilots facilitate streamlined integration and customization, ensuring a cost efficient implementation and a solution that is robust and adaptable.


"Today, I had the chance to listen in on a meeting between our tech team and Faktion | AI Solutions & Capabilities, the company helping us build SAM, our AI-enabled Security Adviser Module.


AI offers numerous opportunities, but I also learned that it's not that easy and demands a lot of hard work, especially to ensure data security and reliable high-quality responses. This is why specialists like Faktion are crucial.


SAM helps our customers by making security requirements accessible and understandable to everyone, identifying gaps, suggesting security improvements, and automating routine tasks to improve efficiency. It’s a powerful tool that enhances our ability to stay ahead of security challenges.


It's exciting to see how AI is shaping our approach to security, even if it requires a lot of effort behind the scenes!"


Jeroen De Bock, CEO & Founder of Pronect

Faktion’s Role

Faktion is known for productizing many AI applications, making them an ideal partner to provide the 'GenAI tailwind' that Pronect needs. Our experience as an AI product Studio ensures that Pronect can leverage the latest AI technologies to improve their security offerings and support their growth and development. The ultimate goal is to build Pronect’s internal genAI capabilities, with a head start.


Implementation Strategy

A phased approach ensures smooth integration:

    • Initial Steps: Validate scope and feasibility, gather data, and set up technological infrastructure.

    • Expansion: Gradually roll out features, starting with core functionalities and expanding based on user feedback and data insights.

    • Optimization: Continuously improve the system based on performance metrics and emerging security trends.


The collaboration between Faktion and Pronect is a significant step forward in physical security management. By using AI and advanced data techniques, they aim to provide robust, cost-effective security solutions that adapt to clients' needs. This partnership not only enhances Pronect’s platform but also sets a new standard for security innovation in the industry.


For more information about Pronect and their offerings, visit their website.

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