My special job as Head of Faktion People: Stef Stoelwinder
Stef Stoelwinder
Head of Faktion People
Hey Stef, thank you for your time! Probably, most people are wondering why such a talented guy who lives near Amsterdam wants to work in an Antwerp-based scale-up. Why did you choose for Faktion?
My decision to become part of the Faktion team was very deliberate. Of all companies I’ve come across in the past five years, Faktion was the one that definitely attracted me the most. The combination of individual growth opportunities, entrepreneurship and a family feeling was the trigger for me to go all the way for Faktion. Since I always get the space to develop myself and to showcase my competencies, I’ve never regretted this choice.
As we already know, you’re an AI Recruiter at Faktion. In what way does the job of an AI Recruiter actually differ from that of a normal recruiter?
Working as a recruiter in the fast-growing AI industry is most definitely very exciting. The need of companies for AI and Machine Learning specialists is huge, while this is still a new, upcoming market. As a result, I feel I’m making more of an impact as an AI Recruiter than if I would work elsewhere as a normal recruiter.
Being an AI Recruiter at Faktion means about the same as being a matchmaker who connects demand with talent. On the one hand, you have the numerous corporations that are eager to tap into their AI potential and want to kickstart their own AI projects. On the other hand, you have different specialists with their unique expertise in certain AI domains such as NLP and Computer Vision. It’s my challenging job to match the needs of businesses with the right AI profiles.
Finally, it feels like a privilege to me to work as a recruiter in such a high-end market. Everyday I get the opportunity to work with the most innovative people and companies, and get to know the latest technologies that will certainly have a transformative impact on business and society.
It’s clear you prefer the job of AI Recruiter to the one of a normal recruiter. Why do you work as an AI recruiter at Faktion and not at a recruitment agency?
Simply because Faktion isn’t a recruitment agency, but a company specialized in AI and Machine Learning. This ensures we have the expertise and tools to evaluate AI talent in the best possible way. Due to the complexity of AI projects, we’re convinced that businesses better get in touch with a company that is specialized in these technology domains instead of with a recruitment agency.
This value proposition makes Faktion operate in a niche market in which there are a lot of opportunities. Faktion’s ambition to become the greatest player in the Benelux and to expand abroad gives me the exceptional motivation I could never find as an AI Recruiter at a recruitment agency.
Last but not least, we would like to dive deeper into the family feeling at Faktion you’ve mentioned before. Could you give us some examples?
Of course I could. Frequently we organize town hall meetings with the whole Faktion team. In these meetings we explain to each other which projects we’re working on and we keep each other up-to-date. Such initiatives really stimulate engagement among colleagues, which is definitely a good thing to prevent we would become isolated employees instead of a solid team.
In addition to the town hall meetings, the Machine Learning team offers us a demo every week. It’s pretty cool to get a view of what exceptional applications our tech guys can create and have feeling with the technical part of the team.
Recently we had a fun team building event in which we were divided into random teams and got the challenge of solving a mysterious murder case in the city of Antwerp. After that, we enjoyed a delicious BBQ together. Undoubtedly, during this team building and BBQ we’ve strengthened the family feeling within the Faktion team even more.